
Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding

Tooth Bonding is a popular treatment option because it provides a successful attachment between the filling material and the tooth’s original enamel and dentin. It looks like the original tooth and functions like it as well. Direct composite bonding is used to recreate a smile in an additive manner, where little or no tooth reduction is needed. Direct bonding, in the hands of a skilled operator, is less costly than porcelain veneers and dental crowns and can be long-lasting with proper maintenance.

Benefits Of Bonding

Dental bonding provides patients with cosmetic benefits. Bonding can repair a broken or chipped tooth or close gaps between teeth without the need for lengthy orthodontic treatments. Typically your AACD dentist can use dental bonding to improve the apperance of your smile in just one visit to the dentist office. Dental bonding can also be altered and patients are able to choose a more permanent cosmetic restoration in the future.